I am looking for others who have had MRSA and if they still carry the little BUGger are you being treated and with what?
Can anyone tell me about results using Linezolid?
Published on October 8, 2007 By Grannytrkr In Welcome
A little over 10 weeks ago, I went into the hospital for a simple "Minor" foot surgery and came home with MRSA. I managed to last and fight the pain until August 16th. I gave up and went into the hospital for antibiotic therapy even before they knew for sure that it was MRSA. I checked out of the Hospital August 25th, but, have not been without pain or swelling.
About 2 1/2 weeks ago, my Urologist ran a culture and she told me at the time that she believed that I was possibly someone who will never be free of MRSA, and that I will carry it for the rest of my life? I'm not happy with that opinion and so I have decided to look online for help.
I was on Vancomycin IV's and then on Batrim at home for 30 days. I always have Sarcoidosis and have had for about 3 years now, and am 65 years old. The hospital wants me to believe that I have "Community Acquired MRSA" But everything I have found so far says NO that and YES to if I were a teenaager or young to middle aged adult. That information can be found at www.podiatrytoday.com/atricle/2447.

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